Treasury Management Scheme of
Annex D
Executive / Full Council
Receiving and reviewing reports on Treasury Management
policies, practices and activities.
Approval of annual strategy and annual outturn.
Approval of/amendments to the
organisation’s adopted clauses, Treasury Management policy
statement and Treasury Management practices.
consideration and approval.
Approval of the division of responsibilities.
(iii) Audit & Governance Committee
Receiving and reviewing reports on Treasury Management
policies, practices and activities.
Reviewing the annual strategy, annual outturn and mid-year
Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer)
All operational decisions are
delegated by the Council to the Chief Finance Officer, who operates
within the framework set out in this strategy and through the
Treasury Management policies and practices.
Reviewing the Treasury Management policy and procedures and
making recommendations to the responsible body.
Approving the selection of external service providers and
agreeing terms of contract in accordance with the delegations in
financial regulations.
The Treasury Management role of the Section 151
All operational decisions delegated
by the Council to the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer),
who operates within the framework set out in this strategy and
through the Treasury Management policies and practices.
Recommending clauses, Treasury Management policy/practices
for approval, reviewing the same regularly, and monitoring
Submitting regular Treasury Management policy
Submitting budgets and budget variations.
Receiving and reviewing management information
Reviewing the performance of the Treasury Management
Ensuring the adequacy of Treasury Management resources and
skills, and the effective division of responsibilities within the
Treasury Management function.
Ensuring the adequacy of internal audit and liaising with
external audit.
Recommending the appointment of external service
Preparation of a capital strategy to
include capital expenditure, capital financing, non-financial
investments and Treasury Management, with a long term
Ensuring that the capital strategy
is prudent, sustainable, affordable and prudent in the long term
and provides value for money.
Ensuring that due diligence has been
carried out on all treasury and non-financial investments and is in
accordance with the risk appetite of the authority.
Ensure that the authority has
appropriate legal powers to undertake expenditure on non-financial
assets and their financing.
Ensuring the proportionality of all
investments so that the Council does not undertake a level of
investing which exposes the Council to an excessive level of risk
compared to its financial resources.
Ensuring that an adequate governance
process is in place for the approval, monitoring and ongoing risk
management of all non-financial investments and long-term
Provision to members of a schedule
of all non-treasury investments including material investments in
subsidiaries, joint ventures, loans and financial
Ensuring that members are adequately
informed and understand the risk exposures taken on by an
Ensuring that the authority has
adequate expertise, either in house or externally provided, to
carry out the above.
Creation of Treasury Management
Practices which specifically deal with how non treasury investments
will be carried out and managed, to include the following:
management, including
investment and risk management criteria for any material
non-treasury investment portfolios;
measurement and management, including methodology and criteria for
assessing the performance and success of non-treasury
Decision making,
governance and organisation, including a
statement of the governance requirements for decision making in
relation to non-treasury investments; and arrangements to ensure
that appropriate professional due diligence is carried out to
support decision making;
Reporting and
management information, including where
and how often monitoring reports are taken;
Training and
qualifications, including how
the relevant knowledge and skills in relation to non-treasury
investments will be arranged.